
Level 2 trained IFS Practitioner and Trainer

I used to say I felt like "a walking contradiction". I'd always been full of ambition and ideas, but I couldn't trust myself to have the motivation, passion, or energy to make it all come to life. I wanted to feel normal, but I *needed* to live my life authentically. Decades of common advice about "managing" or "overcoming" things just left be in burnout. I was able to use the years of the pandemic to transcend the mindset that kept me stuck and sad. I discovered how to ENJOY life without the brutal white-knuckle effort of sheer willpower. The way out is through. 

I don't believe "positive thinking" is enough to heal.  Even emotional regulation tools are just temporary, band-aid solutions- and they take A LOT of effort! My thirty years of talk therapy was helpful, but did not lead to true, life-changing healing. I help you go deeper than cognitively understanding your past without rehashing or reliving traumatic experiences.

I am a late-diagnosed AuDHD, overthinking, gender non-conforming, creative, intellectual coach with years of IFS training, teaching, and practice. I help adults heal from shame spirals preventing light-hearted joy and authentic confidence. Imagine the beautiful possibilities when you don't have to waste effort managing emotions that take you over! 

Enjoy being your genuine Self instead.

Clients tell me my unique perspectives are a gift. So, let's stop hiding, together.

Emotions & Money

Our "money story" is more than dollars in the bank - it shapes our unconscious decision-making process! 

Our identity, sense of safety in the world, and confidence about what is possible are all highly influenced by fears and dreams about success, money, and our self-worth.

Anyone who gets that "relationship with money" is deeply important. Our "money story" is more than dollars in the bank - it shapes our unconscious decision-making process! Our identity, sense of safety in the world, and confidence about what is possible are all highly influenced by fears and dreams about success, money, and our self-worth.

toni rosati

We'll talk about:

I believe each person is a complex system with histories, hopes, and horrors. Together we will explore the parts of your system that make youYou.

IFS looks like a blend of "talk therapy" and somatics. I will help you feel into your body and discover the nuance that drives your desires and decisions.

Identity, self-doubt, and shame spirals are the hallmark of many of our lives. ADHD experiences can lead to low self-trust and undiagnosed autistic experiences can lead to a belief we are unloveable. 

With a dual diagnosis, called "Twice Gifted", it is common to shift between too much routine and too much spontaneity leaving the neurotypical people in our lives to understand us even less.

Check out our podcast - Confessions from the MESSY MIDDLE

IFS virtual coach therapy counseling

Toni's Unique Offerings

I have several unique strengths that I bring to IFS. Here are a few: 

- I am a late-diagnosed AuDHD woman. I adore working with neurodivergent adults - especially around unmasking, belonging, and being misunderstood.

- I have experience making huge career changes (art to science, science to tech, tech to heart-centered mental health). 

- I'm told I am more comfortable than most when working with anger, resentment, interpersonal conflict, and shame. 

- I have personal and formal research experience on the relationship between emotions, sense of safety, and our "money story". 

- I'm a big nerd and I used to work in data, sciences, and tech. 

- I have deep knowledge around how work and creative endeavors shape our identities and sense of joy and belonging in this world.

Internal Family Systems coach therapy training

Life’s full of WTF Moments

"WTF!" is often an expression of surprise, disbelief, or even shock. It's an acronym for "What The F***!" and is commonly used to convey a strong reaction to something unexpected, unusual, or outrageous. The feeling associated with "WTF!" can range from confusion and bewilderment to amusement or frustration, depending on the context.

In the context of emotional healing or personal growth, "WTF!" can also be a playful and lighthearted way to acknowledge the moments of realization, self-discovery, or breakthroughs that might evoke a similar sense of surprise or astonishment. It's a way to embrace the unexpected twists and turns of life, finding humor and resilience in navigating through challenges.

So, when it comes to emotional healing and growth, experiencing a "WTF!" moment might signify a moment of profound insight, a shift in perspective, or a realization that brings a mix of emotions – perhaps surprise, relief, or even joy. It's a reminder that the journey toward understanding oneself can be filled with unexpected, transformative moments that contribute to personal development and well-being.

Toni mobile coach IFS coach therapist

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